Exciting Discovery on Moon's Far Side

China's Chang'e 4 Lunar Rover Find

Source:  China Lunar Exploration Project

Unusual, Gel-Like Substance
China's Chang'e 4 lunar rover has discovered an unusually colored, gel-like substance in its exploration of the far side of the Moon.  The rover named Yutu-2 made the discovery on what the Chinese are calling lunar day 8. Scientists at the Beijing Aerospace Control Center changed the rover's itinerary to focus its instrumentation on the substance found in a small crater.  The material's color and luster is unlike anything surrounding it on the lunar surface.

What Is It?
The big question remains what the substance is.  Thus far, Chinese scientists haven't offered any explanation.  Other experts theorize that it could be melted glass from the collision of a meteorite with the Moon's surface.

Lunar Mystery
Chang'e 4 made the world's first soft landing on the far side of the Moon on January 3, 2019.  It's exploring the dark side of the Moon with Yutu-2 and sending back pictures of lunar landscape never seen from ground level before.  Thus far, Yutu-2 has traveled 890 feet across the Moon's far side and just discovered a lunar mystery.  For a free Kindle borrow of my latest book "Big Space News 2019", go to amazon.com/author/ekane


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