From Food Waste, BioPlastics

Biodegradable Plastics for Everyday Use

Source:  Genecis

New Innovation from Canada
Canadian based tech company Genecis has
invented a process to convert food waste, destined
to be dumped in a landfill, to green, clean
bioplastics.  The plastic material can be used
for packaging, food services, agriculture and
many other uses.  The food waste is processed
and put through bioreactor fermentation to
create commercial plastic products.

Patented Technologies
Genecis has patented technologies not only to 
convert food waste into biodegradable plastics
but also other high value materials.  The new
bioplastic composts within a month and 
biodegrades within a year should it find its
way into the ocean.  Experts say this is the
first, cost competitive PHA, green plastic

18 Billion Tons of Plastic Waste
Every year, 18 billion tons of plastic waste
are ending up as pollution in global oceans.
Genecis says its mission is to help create a
circular economy where major brands and 
industries use eco-friendly PHA plastics for 

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"List ofTop New Environmental Innovations, go to

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