
Showing posts from July, 2024

DAILY INNOVATION BRIEF by Edward Kane, Journalist

D A ILY INNOVATION BRIEF   By Journalists Edward  Kane & Marya nne Kane  NEW SCIENCE: DOG OWNERSHIP IS PROTECTIVE AGAINST DYING OF ANY CAUSE                                              Source:  Brewster Kane There are many benefits from owning a dog, but this one is truly profound.  Scientists from New York's Mount Sinai University and Sweden's Uppsala University have found that owning a dog cuts your risk of dying young by 24%.  They have found that owning a dog is "protective against dying of any cause".  Here are some key facts: Their research is massive, involving 70 years' worth of research study data on 4 million people in the US, UK, Canada, Scandanavia, Australia & New Zealand Dog ownership cut the risk of dying young by 24% It's even more compelling for people who've had a heart attack or stroke It cuts their risk of dying from cardiovascular disease by 31% The biggest beneficiaries of dog ownership are those who live alone, according to

DAILY INNOVATION BRIEF by Edward Kane, Journalist

D A ILY INNOVATION BRIEF   By Journalists Edward  Kane & Marya nne Kane  NEW SCIENCE:  THE IMPORTANT HEALTH BENEFITS OF EATING BABY CARROTS                                                                                          Source:  Stock Samford U niversity  scientists have found huge benefits from eating baby carrots.  Here are some: May help you live longer Helps you see in the dark Enhances skin carotenoids (plant pigments associated with health benefits) Higher antioxidant activity in your body Lowers inflammation therefore lowers risk of chronic illnesses such as heart disease Researchers suggest eating baby carrots at least 3-times a week To enhance the health impact, choose a multivitamin that contains beta carotene. GOOGLE IS USING AI TO MONITOR CORAL REEFS THROUGH THEIR FISH INHABITANTS                                             Source:  Coral Reef stock Google DeepMind is listening to fish as a means of monitoring the coral reefs that they inhabit.  It's a rema