Important Innovation Blogs

Message from Author Ed Kane

Source:  NASA

Welcome to the blog.  The blog aims to report the latest and most important innovations from around the world such as the supersonic jet concept from NASA pictured above.  For those interested in additional reading on innovation, I've authored four books on innovations.  They're called "Important Innovations:  Collection" on Amazon.  Vol. 1 focuses on exciting, breakthrough innovation in transportation such as hypersonic passenger jets and the hyperloop.  Vol. 2 showcases the latest in robots.  Vol. 3 highlights the latest innovations in artificial intelligence, augmented reality, quantum computing and much more.  Vol. 4 takes a look at the latest innovations in renewable energy.

For easy access, go to my Amazon Author's page   I look forward to hearing your thoughts about innovation and sharing mine with you.

Thanks and best,
Ed Kane


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