AI System Mimics Human Reasoning

Computers with Ability to Visualize and Identify Objects

Source:  MIT

Next Generation of Artificial  Intelligence
Engineers at the University of California Los Angeles have developed a computer system that can discover and identify objects in the real world the way humans do.  The computer is instilled with human abilities to visualize and identify objects.  An example:  knowing your looking at a dog even though only the paw is visible.

Computer Vision
The UCLA team have significantly advanced what's called computer vision.  It enables computers to read and identify visual objects.  Current systems are task specific and cannot read and identify objects in a general sense.

General AI
This new research is an important step toward general artificial intelligence.  That enables computers to learn on their own and make decisions on their own.  Additionally, the computers are intuitive and interact with humans in a more human-like way.  For more news stories on artificial intelligence and other innovations, go to


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