Habitat Offers Undersea Shelter

New Underwater Breathing Space for Divers

Source: Ocean Space Habitat

Underwater Innovation
The underwater, sheltering space is called the Ocean Space Habitat. It's an underwater spherical tent for divers to take a rest and breather in order to stay underwater longer than before.  It's designed to increase diver safety and expand ocean exploration.The technology is patented by Winslow Burleson and Michael Lombardi. It looks like an underwater tent and can be anchored as needed.

Underwater Fans
The underwater battery powered fans remove carbon dioxide constantly from the air.  Bottom line - it enables scuba divers to rest and adjust to decreasing pressure.  They can remove their masks and breathe normally.  The company is developing larger, more specialized tents to serve as research stations, hold scientific teams and equipment.  For more news stories on innovation, go to amazon.com/author/ekane


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