Samsung's Army of Service Bots

Healthcare, Home, Retail
Source:  Samsung Bots at 2019 CES

Bot Care
Samsung recently introduced three new service robots at the 2019 CES.  The Bot Care robot is for health care. It has a wide range of functionality.  It's able to measure blood pressure, breathing and heart rate. Its face display allows you to make video calls.  That display can also play music and provide you your daily schedule and the weather.  Bot Care also provides you an alert to remind you that you haven't taken your medicine.

Bot Air
The new Bot Air contains sensors positioned around your house to monitor air quality.  If the quality isn't quite right, the bot goes to the location and filters the air until the quality is fine.

Bot Retail
Bot Retail has facial recognition and vision identification to help consumers find the items they want.  Customers can access store details and menus on the bot's face to purchase goods.  These are three, new examples of the growing robotic service workforce.


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