Bell's Air Taxi Unveiled

Bell Nexus:  In a Flying Class of Its Own

Source:  Bell Helicopter

New Meaning to Hailing a Flying Taxi
Bell has unveiled an air taxi of the not so distant future - the extraordinary Bell Nexus. Bell has teamed with Uber as a partner on this innovation.  It's a fully complete model of a functional air taxi VTOL with vertical takeoff and landing capability.  Uber will deploy it as part of its ride sharing operations.

Technology and Rollout
The Bell Nexus is powered by a hybrid-electric propulsion system and uses 6 tilting fans to takeoff.  They plan for demonstration flights in 2020 and commercial aerial ridesharing for short, local trips in 2023.  Reports indicate the VTOL can carry 4 passengers and provide capabilities for conference calls, news broadcasting and document sharing support.  Sounds like the taxi ride of a lifetime!
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