Important Innovations Collection: Environment

My Book on Innovations Impacting the Environment, Climate Change and Global Warming

ASIN: 1792645619 

Important Innovations - Energy

In this book, I showcase the latest innovations across industries impacting the environment, climate change and global warming.  The book is a compendium of news briefs, written by me - a journalist The briefs are highly informative and include both new technologies and scientific research measuring and monitoring the global environment.  It also showcases innovation breakthroughs to start reducing and remedying global warming.

Many Important Innovations Addressing the Global Environment
The innovations that I showcase include:
  • Vertical forests which are office and apartment buildings loaded with trees to cut CO2
  • Blended wing planes that save significant fuel and are greener and cleaner than current planes
  • Bees with tiny sensor backpacks to monitor pollution
  • Harvard's solar geoengineering plan to cut global warming by adding calcium carbonate to the skies
  • Africa's e-waste programs to recycle e-waste into robots and computers
  • Seaweed bioplastics being developed by Indonesian innovators
  • NASA's new ICEsat tracking global ice melts
  • China's new satellites monitoring wind and weather patterns
  • Rutgers University's scientific projections on rising global sea levels
Uniquely Informative News Briefs
The world is on a collision course with Climate Change.  My e-book and paperback provide uniquely informative news briefs on the latest research and biggest innovations addressing it.  To take a look, go to


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